Protection of Personal Data

Clarification Text on the Protection of Personal Data

As Levisell E-Commerce Limited (“Company”), the privacy and security of your personal data are among our top priorities. Our company processes your personal data in accordance with the regulations of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”). Your personal data refers to any information that makes your identity specific or identifiable.

If you become a “Platform Member” by accepting the Membership Agreement to benefit from the services offered in our company’s mobile applications and/or websites (collectively referred to as the “Platform”), we would like to inform you about the personal data we process.

1. Which personal data is processed by our company?
If you become a Platform Member, the following personal data will be processed:

2. What are the legal reasons, purposes, and collection methods for processing your personal data?
Your personal data may be collected electronically by our Company through fully or partially automated or non-automated means, provided that it is part of any data recording system. This collection occurs through mobile applications or websites that you utilize as part of our membership agreement for the Platform Service. When you contact us through live support, the call center, or email channels, the data is collected electronically through the channel you used to communicate, and physically if it is sent to our Company via printed forms, notifications, mail, or through legal authorities.

Our company processes your personal data for the purposes listed in the table below and based on the legal compliance reasons specified in Article 5 of the KVKK:

Processed Personal DataLegal Reasons for Processing Your Personal DataPurposes of Processing Your Personal Data
Your User Account Information, Customer Transaction Information, Delivery Information.Presence of your explicit consent.Conducting marketing, advertising, and promotional activities; offering special advantageous offers; and activities to enhance your satisfaction.


Legal Reasons, Purposes, and Processes for Processing Your Personal Data

Legal Reasons and Purposes for Sharing Your Personal Data

4. To whom and for what reasons does the company transfer your personal data?
Our company takes care to process your personal data in accordance with the principles of “need to know” and “need to use,” ensuring necessary data minimization and taking the necessary technical and administrative security measures. Since conducting or controlling business activities, ensuring business continuity, and operating digital infrastructures require continuous data flow with different stakeholders, we must transfer the personal data we process to third parties for certain purposes.

Furthermore, it is crucial that your personal data is accurate and up-to-date so that we can fully and properly fulfill our contractual and legal obligations. To achieve this, we collaborate with various business partners and service providers.

Our company shares your personal data with the relevant recipient groups to the extent necessary for the purposes listed in the table below and based on the legal compliance reasons specified:

Your Personal Data Shared by Our CompanyRecipient Groups to Which Your Personal Data is TransferredLegal Reasons for Sharing Your Personal DataPurposes of Our Company for Sharing Your Personal Data
Your User Account Information, Customer Transaction Information, Delivery Information.With affiliates, service providers, and business partners.Having your explicit consent.Carrying out marketing, advertising, and promotional activities; offering you special advantageous offers; and conducting activities to enhance your satisfaction by getting to know you better.
Your User Account Information, Customer Transaction Information, Delivery Information, Payment Information, Transaction Security Information, Legal Transaction Information, Audio Recording Information.With authorized public institutions and organizations, such as regulatory and supervisory institutions, courts, and enforcement offices.It is clearly prescribed by law.Fulfilling the legal obligations of our company.
  Processing for the establishment, exercise, or protection of a right.Conducting marketing, advertising, and promotional activities; offering you special advantageous offers; and enhancing your satisfaction by getting to know you better.
  The exercise and protection of a right in the event of a legal dispute. 


To Whom and for What Reasons Does the Company Transfer Your Personal Data?

4. How Does the Company Protect Your Personal Data?
Personal data shared with the Company is under the supervision and control of the Company. The Company has undertaken the responsibility, as a data controller, to establish the necessary organization and to implement and adapt technical measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of information in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation in force. Being aware of our obligations in this regard:

5. Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Your Personal Data
By applying to our Company using the methods in the “Contact for Your Rights and Requests” section of this information text, you have the following rights:

6. Contact for Your Rights and Requests
You can submit your questions and requests regarding your personal data to the Data Controller with a petition prepared in accordance with the conditions specified in the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles or to “Levisell E-Ticaret Limited” using the following methods. You can access the application form here.

7. About Information Text
The Company reserves the right to update this Information Text on the Protection of Personal Data at any time in line with changes that may be made in the current legislation.

Updated Date: 11.09.2024