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Notification to of an infringement

Please notify us of any legal violations using the form linked below at Levisell.

If you are a rights holder or a representative of the rights holder and believe that the representation of a work on the Levisell website infringes your intellectual property rights (such as copyright, trademark, or patent rights), please use this form to inform us: Notification to Levisell about a legal violation.

Levisell has a strong interest in preventing violations, and we will respond promptly to your notification by taking appropriate measures, which may include the removal of the relevant information or product. Such measures will be taken without acknowledgment of any legal obligation, without prejudice, and without waiving existing claims, rights, or remedies, which we expressly reserve. By submitting the notification form, you grant Levisell and its affiliates the right to use the relevant information to process your report, which may include forwarding the form to all parties involved in providing the allegedly infringing content.

Note for third-party listings: Please be aware that third-party offers (e.g., Marketplace) are placed exclusively by the seller, with Levisell merely providing the website for this purpose. If you believe that a third-party listing infringes your rights, please contact the seller directly to discuss any measures beyond the removal of the listing by Levisell.

Definition of ASIN and 10-digit ISBN: Each item in our catalog is identified by an internal ten-digit product number known as ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). This does not apply to books and audiocassettes/CDs. For these, we use the global ISBN identification (International Standard Book Number). The ISBN is a number for the unique identification of books and other independent publications that contain an editorial component, such as multimedia products and software. You can typically find the ISBN number in the imprint or on the back cover of a book.

Important: Providing false or misleading information in the “Notification to Levisell about a legal violation” can have civil and/or criminal consequences. Any removal of a title based on such a notification will occur without acknowledgment of a legal obligation. If we receive false information, we expressly reserve the right to assert all claims and rights. If you have questions about this, please consult a lawyer.

Please use only this notification form and ensure that you provide complete information, as we need complete information to properly process your notification.

Please note: If you are not the rights holder or a representative of the rights holder regarding the affected intellectual property rights, Levisell cannot pursue your notification if it was submitted through this form. In such a case, please report any irregularities through the appropriate contact method:

  • As a seller, you can use this form to inform us about inappropriate listings, other sellers, policy violations, etc. Please select “Report Violations” under “What’s the problem?”.

  • As a buyer, you can use our contact form if you want to report issues with orders, violations of seller policies, etc. Please select “I have a question about my order” under “How can we help you?”. Then choose “Problem with an order” and finally select “Inquiry about Marketplace or distribution partner order” under “Please provide more details about your request”.